Election 2015: Manufacturing our Future
With the federal election scheduled for October 19, 2015, the Canadian Manufacturing Coalition has made it clear to the political leaders of all major parties in Canada that for the sake of the economy, there must be a manufacturing strategy to ensure Canada’s future prosperity.
Now, more than ever, Canada’s prospects for economic growth depend on the competitiveness of our manufacturing and exporting sector — on our ability to produce the high-value, high‑quality and competitively priced goods, along with supporting services and technologies that customers want to buy across Canada and around the world.
Following the election it is important that the government be able to articulate and deliver on a long-term growth strategy for manufacturing. The goal should be to double manufacturing production over the next fifteen years. That would create more than two million jobs in manufacturing and supporting businesses.
Here is a report of our manufacturing priorities each political party will implement if elected on October 19th.